Quilts photograph so much better in the southern hemisphere. Also, look at my Dad's cute feet. |
I have (well, had) a whole stash of fabric that I was "saving" for something special. My Dad celebrated his 70th birthday in November, and as we had a holiday to Australia planned for Christmas- I knew just what to do with it. It would even travel in our carry-on luggage (in case our suitcases went walkabout on the way there).
My pal Rachel found this cool tutorial on herringbone quilts - kind of a quilt-as-you-go, with the panels of wadding acting as your base to sew your pieces directly on to (I explain that poorly- check out the link!). So there was very little stuffing around, and no puckering, with the quilt top and wadding. It worked a treat. I pretty much followed the tutorial exactly.
Which way to sew it together? |
It's always lovely piecing a quilt for someone you love to pieces.
Happy 70th Dad xxx